Bayou Academy in Cleveland, MS will be the meeting sites for the next 4-H Shooting Sports Volunteer Leader Training Workshop to be held August 28-29. Discipline training will take place inside the Bayou Academy School with all outdoor activities being held at a local range.
Participants must be at least 21 years of age in order to become a certified volunteer.
To make better use of your resources, individual disciplines will only be offered if at least 5 participants are registered by the final deadline. Any discipline with insufficient registration will not be offered in the final program. Each county may bring one or more agents or volunteers in each of the six disciplines that will be offered; however, at this training session each person can complete certification in only one of the following disciplines*: Pistol, Rifle, Muzzleloader, Archery, Shotgun, and Coordinator
ARCHERY involves a fascinating group of sports for people of all ages. The fundamentals are simple. The requirements are few. A new archer can be shooting well within a short time, if he or she has the benefit of a planned approach to developing the basics of form.
MUZZLELOADING provides participants with the basics of muzzleloading history while developing familiarity with muzzleloading arms. Trainees will learn the use of black powder and Pyrodex as well as other muzzleloading accessories.
PISTOL participants will learn to understand the fundamentals of safety while getting hands-on experience with both.22 and air pistols. Trainees will learn to recognize and identify the parts of pistols and their functions, understand sight alignment and trigger control, and learn basic range commands and shooting procedures.
SHOTGUN trainees will learn to understand shotgun parts and their function as well as learn how to identify action types. Participants will learn the differences between shotguns and rifles and understand choke basics and shotgun uses. Additionally, classroom and hands-on training will provide individuals with an understanding of shotgun safety and basic functions of ammunition components.
RIFLE explores .22 and air rifle parts and their function. Participants will learn how to use different types of sights, determine eye dominance, and understand range etiquette through both classroom and hands-on range experiences.
COORDINATOR provides participants with the necessary tools in order to become a better organized club in their community. This training session will be offered as an official in-service training to those agents who are registered. Agents will receive in service training credit of 16 hours.
This training requires your attendance and participation for the DURATION in order to receive certification for the discipline chosen. In order to cover all of the components during the limited Saturday/Sunday time period, we request that you pay close attention to the agenda that will be handed out during registration on Saturday morning.
Also include an alternate discipline in the advent that the primary does not make. Participants that sign up for a discipline that does not make will be notified that they have been moved to their alternate discipline
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