Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Oktibbeha County Extension Service is planning an Open House for Monday, December 12, 2011 beginning at 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.  .  Please come share the day with us.  This is FREE to the public.  If you have any questions, call LaTrell or Julie at 323 5918.

Salvation Army Bell Ringing

Oktibbeha County 4-H Clubs will be ringing the bell for Salvation Army thisSsaturday, December 10, 2011. This will be at Kroger from 12 noon until 7 p.m.
-If your time is up, please make sure the next person is there to ring before you leave. NEVER leave the kettle alone.
-If you are the last one to ring, make sure someone from salvation army picks up the kettle before you leave.

Here is who we have sign up to ring:
-12 noon until 1 p.m. CYW - Cathleen Poe
-1 p.m. to2 p.m. Clover Dawgs Club - Courtney Headley
-2 p.m. to 3 p.m. Longview - Angela Stewart
-3 p.m.  to 4 p.m. Longview - Angela Stewart
-4 p.m. to 5 p.m. Longview - Angela Stewart
-5 p.m.  to 6 p.m. Foster Family - Joann Foster
-6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Maiers family - Rick Maiers

Awards Program Pictures

Here are just a few pictures from the awards program.

Oktibbeha County Horse Program Awards

Oktibbeha County 4H Horse Program had a successful year in 2011. Below are the youth that received awards at the 2011 Awards Program held on November 15, 2011. The winners were as follows:
Overall HP Horse 2011
Pre division

1st place Cory Freely

2nd place Belle Nabors

3rd place Danica Potts

Junior Division

1st place Colby Freely

2nd place Millie Thompson

3rd place Amble Thompson

Senior Division

1st place Rachel Moore

2nd place Cali Freely

3rd place Anna Thompson

Speed HP Award 2011

1st place Rachel Moore

2nd place Cali Freely

3rd place Taite Henson

Hunter Awards 2011

1st place Colby Freely

2nd place Millie Thompson


1st place Rachel  Moore

2nd place Cali Freely

3rd place Anna Thompson

Western HP Awards 2011

1st place Colby Freely

2nd place Logan Alpe

3rd place Levi Thompson


1st place Rachel Moore

2nd place Cali Freely

3rd place Anna Thompson

Saddle & Gaited HP 2011
1st place Doug Teague

2nd place Taylor Teague

Pony HP 2011
1st place Millie Thompson

2nd place Amble Thompson

3rd place Myra Thompson

Pony Speed HP 2011
1st place Amble Thompson

2nd place Colby Freely

3rd Place Hayden Moore

Cattle HP 2011
1st place tie Taite Henson

1st place tie Abby Thompson

2nd place Amble Thompson

3rd place Anna Thompson

Horse/Rider HP 2011

1st place Millie Thompson – Buttercup

2nd place Amble Thompson – Honey

3rd place Colby Freely – Easter


1st place Rachel Moore – Gotcha Poison Ivy

2nd Place Rachel Moore – Seals Hopoca

3rd place Cali Freely – Last Safari

Our horse program hosted the 2011 NE District 4-H Horse Show this past June 2011 at the MS Horse Park.

Partner in 4-H Award

The 2011 recipient of the Oktibbeha County 4-H Partner in 4-H Award is Starkville Daily News.  This award is given to a person or organization that shows their continued support of the county 4-H program. Colleen McCarthy of the Starkville Daily News received the award. Starkville Daily News has been a strong supporter of the 4-H program for over 20 years.  Pictured above are (L to R) : Colleen McCarthy, winner, and; Angela Stewart, President - Oktibbeha County 4-H Advisory Council.

I Dare You Leadership Award

I Dare You Leadership Award is given to a senior 4-H’er (Age 14-18) who demonstrates outstanding leadership ability in the 4-H program. The 2011 recipient is DeShun Brown.  Pictured are: (R to L) DeShun Brown, winner, and Julie White, Oktibbeha County Director. Leota Cardwell and the late Dr Joe Cardwell are the sponsors and long time supporter of the Oktibbeha County 4-H Program.

Young named Outstanding Volunteer

Young named Oktibbeha County 4H Outstanding Volunteer

inda Young, Oktibbeha County 4-H volunteer, recently was honored at the 2011 Oktibbeha County 4-H Awards Program held on MSU Campus. Young was named 2011 Outstanding 4H Volunteer. She is a leader of Longview Disciples 4H Club. LaTrell Stokes, 4-H Agent, stated that Linda is dedicated and hard working. She is always willing to assist youth or adults with whatever they need. Pictured are: (L to R) Linda Young and Julie White, Oktibbeha County Director.

County 4-H holds Annual Awards Program

The County 4-H Program held their annual 4-H Awards Program on November 15, 2011 on the campus of Mississippi State University.
There were over 90 4-H’ers, parents, volunteer leaders, advisory council members, and supporters of 4-H present at this event. 
The Partner in 4-H Award is presented to a person or organization that shows outstanding contributions to the county 4-H program.  In 2011 Oktibbeha County awarded a longtime supporter of the 4H Program here in Oktibbeha County. This year’s winner of the Partner in 4-H was the Starkville Daily News.
 I Dare You Leadership Award is awarded to a senior 4-H’er who shows outstanding leadership abilities in his/her 4-H work. DeShun Brown was the 2011 recipient of this award.  This award is named in honor of Joe and Leota Cardwell, long time volunteers and supporters of 4-H.
Outstanding 4-H Club Award is given to recognize the club that has made outstanding contributions to the 4-H Program. The 2011 Outstanding 4-H Club was Longview Disciples.
Spirit of 4-H Awards are given to 4-H’ers who exemplify outstanding enthusiasm and dedication to the 4-H Club work. This award is in memory of Mrs. Magnolia Jones. The 2011 Spirit of 4-H Awards Junior I – was presented to Tiffany Kelly.
Rookie of the Year Award is given to members who have been involved in 4-H for 2 years or less and have shown enthusiasm, a desire to learn, and an interest in helping others. 2011 Rookie of the Year Award – Pre 4-H – Dru Prisock and Clover – McKenna Prisock.
Achievement Awards are awarded to members who have excelled in contests and activities beyond the county level. 2011 Achievement Awards– Pre 4-H – Dru Prisock, Cloverleaf – McKenna Prisock, Junior I – Tiffany Kelly, Junior II – Colt Chrestman, and Senior  - Rachel Moore.
Distinguished Citizen Award is given to the members in each age group who have exhibited outstanding service to the community. 2011 Distinguished Citizen – Pre 4-H Division – Morgan Whitten, Cloverleaf Division- Akeah Graham, Junior I Division–Tiffany Kelly, Junior II Division– Gwyen Elizabeth Sutphin, Senior Division – Justin Jones.
2011 Standard of Excellence Winners – Senior winners (Age 14-18) – DeShun Brown, Yolanda Kelly, Mitchell Young, Justin Jones, Joshua Poe; Junior II winners (Age 12-13) Teyha Collier, Colt Prisock, JT Prisock, Colt Chrestman; Junior I winners (Age 10-11) – Tiffany Kelly; Cloverleaf winners (Age 8-9) – Alana Graham, Aleah Graham, Tiffany Kelly, Akeah Graham, McKenna Prisock; Pre 4-H winners (7 and under) – Jamerica Carter, Trukyra Lawrence, Coltie Young, Patrick Lawrence, and Dru Prisock.
Outstanding 4-H Member Award is given to the 4-H member in each age group who has shown outstanding achievements and involvement in project work, contests, leadership, and citizenship. 2011 Outstanding 4-H’ers - senior winner (Age 14-18) – Mitchell Young, Junior II winner (Age 12-13) Colt Chrestman, Junior I winner (Age 10-11) – Tiffany Kelly, Cloverleaf winner (Age 8-9) – McKenna Prisock, Pre 4-H winner (7 and under) – Coltie Young.